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The Final Weeks

Updated: Feb 10, 2019

I am coming onto 21 years soon and someday, depending on the future of technology, I hope to share with my grandkids the journeys of AdventurerSol. I do not know if this will be the end of AdventurerSol, but for now, my time in Spain is ending.

With this, I will try and summarize my experiences and the things I have learned. This blog has allowed me to work hard on something other than schoolwork, which is good. From journaling and blogging the last three months, I have learned the effects of journaling and blogging. It has been very helpful to have a place to put thoughts, experiences and to document everyday happenings. It is easy to see my progression in personal growth and to think back on good memories. I have regularly returned to previous journals, in a little notebook that I take everywhere, and read my own thoughts. Often I laugh out of enjoyment or disbelief. Blogging and making videos has been like a hobby to me, I do it for fun. It used to give me stress. Worrying about my writing or my level of video making, but I realized I don't really care what people think. To an extent. I remember the ultimate reason for grabbing videos is for memories, and that is a good thing. I wrote blogs this semester to not only keep people updated, but to share some of my thoughts about my world. In hope to benefit the audience or myself. I think it has gone well.

Other than a lot of traveling, I had four classes. Spanish Literature, History, Phonology and Contemporary Spain. This semester has been the most progress I have made with my journey of becoming bilingual. Each class was taught fully in Spanish. Each week I had a 750 word essay about various Spanish artists. This improved my writing skills over three months. My literature class was taught by Dr. José Luis Bernal Salgado, one of the best in Spain. I had a total of 5ish presentations on various topics, all in Spanish. I am typing this to show how satisfied I am with my time academically. I am not fluent, but I would say there was massive progression. I have developed mad respect for people who are or have learned a second language. It does come easier for some, but in all, it is a tremendous challenge.

I have met a lot of new people with my semester abroad. Including fellow Iowa State students and Spanish locals, here in Cáceres. We had the opportunity to be apart of an English class full of Spanish students studying English. Through this, I made a handful of friends from the university. The second or third week I found an evangelical church, which had a group of young adults whom I developed relationships with. With these relationships my perspective was broadened and I found community and belonging. I have learned that this is a big part in why we live in communities. I have made life long friends and have met a lot of cool people.

 With traveling, I have learned that I enjoy a cup of coffee in a quiet living room with music in the background. I have learned that I love the little things in life. I have learned that I enjoy having things easy and without stress. In the contrary, I have learned that I can handle stress and uncomfortable situations. I have learned that I do not want to escape the world and live in the mountains. Overall, I have learned what is most important to me and that I can rest and find peace in that. By no means am I suffering, but if I was, I ought to be singing hymns and praises to my God for the eternity I will be spending in heaven.

I have had so much fun. My time abroad was beyond what I expected. All the worries, insecurities and cautions have turned out just fine. I have learned a lot about myself and my place in this world. My place has not changed since I have left. My place would not have changed if I did not live in Spain for three months. My place would not change if I was in my basement all couped up and unwilling to get out of bed. My place would not change if was a great student, hard worker and moral contributor to society. My place would not change if I was hurt deeply or enslaved to suffering. My place would not change if I was married, with a successful job and a "great" life. My friends, my place is not on this Earth. My place is in an eternity of Glory with a Creator that died for my imperfection, so that I would suffer no more.

This is what I have learned with my time abroad.

I got caught by photographer Clarke in the French Alps

The people have wanted it, the Duo united.

Added Text

We had a week off of class for Thanksgiving. This meant a week of traveling. To tell the story I would be typing forever, so I made a little highlight vlog of my travels. I like it a lot.

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